Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Symphony of Ankle and Foot Avulsions 30M

Red arrows point to the avulsion of the posterior margin of the medial malleolus by the flexor retinaculum.
Yellow arrow indicates partial deep deltoid ligament tear (there are also complete ATFL and CFL tears, not shown).
Blue arrow shows talar avulsion of talonavicular ligament.
White arrow shows avulsion of the anterior calcaneal process by the bifurcate ligament.
Lat XR from orthopedist shows the sizeable posterior med malleolar and small dorsal talar ridge avulsions.



  1. Nice Case! Are those sinus tarsi cervical ligaments torn as well ?

  2. I'll have to check the source images, I don't really show them here.

  3. With the combination of TN and anterior calcaneum injuries would you consider a Chopart injury? Has the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament torn?


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