Monday, September 30, 2019
Incidental Tibial Lesion
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Patient with Recurrent Dislocations
Recurrent detachment. On ABER looks like a Perthes lesion.
Phillip Tirman MD
Test Sinus Tarsi syndrome
Renaissance Imaging Center Westlake Village
Monday, September 23, 2019
1st webspace mass
ECRB Laceration
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Sudden onset thigh pain following admission with septic shoulder bursitis.
Sudden onset thigh pain week following hospital admission with septic subacromial/subcoracoid bursitis ( now treated)
However at this visit white cell count , CRP not markedly elevated .
Although not volunteered on requisition form , further enquiry established patient has very poorly controlled/managed Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Diagnosis and discussion follows
42 y/o patient referred for back pain.
Just testing the output of this email.
Same case as
Sudden onset thigh pain following admission with septic shoulder bursitis.
39 male
Sudden onset thigh pain week following hospital admission with septic subacromial/subcoracoid bursitis ( now treated)
However at this visit white cell count , CRP not markedly elevated .
Although not volunteered on requisition form , further enquiry established patient has very poorly controlled/managed Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Diagnosis and discussion follows images
Occurs in poorly controlled diabetes
Commonly thigh muscles
Sudden onset pain .Lab markers ( CRP, WBC ) typically only mildly deranged
Usually self limiting
Another teaching point is that in my experience, diabetes is often not volunteered on requisition forms for MSK studies but may be very relevant
Monday, September 9, 2019
How to create a teaser section followed by the answer
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Image size test
Please note that this particular image has a lot of black space around it, which limits how big the actual parts of interest will get.
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Extra-large |
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Femoral head lesion
I wanted to add a comment to my own post but it seems that's not possible.
As far as I can tell, one can only insert images or videos, no way to attach a powerpoint, pdf etc. If that's correct it would in my opinion be a severe limitation.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Adhesive Capsulitis
I understand the MGHL is routinely thickened and resected in arthroscopic capsular release, but I have not found that it is commonly visible.
There is no imaging abnormality of the cuff or labrum.
Although he is unusually young and male for this diagnosis, imaging features and clinical symptoms are diagnostic for adhesive capsulitis.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Posting via e-mail
Note: Posting by e-mail only allows anonymous posting, and we will not be able to change the credits for the post. To get credit, simply put your name at the bottom of the e-mail.
The video below has more information.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Posting Animations
OCAD LIVE 2020 Registration is Now Open
Join us for OCAD Live 2020! Saturday, March 28th 10 am - 5 pm UCLA - Santa Monica Orthopaedic Hospital Click HERE to register
No Hip Injury. Instead, subacute partial tear of the Sartorius at its ASIS origin (note reactive BME). At the cranial margin of the FOV we c...
Lateral meniscus variant with posterior root entirely attaching to intercondylar/meniscofemoral ligaments (coronal reformat, black arrow) an...